Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Talent Show

Again it has been a few days since Ive posted. Guess it has been a busy week. Sunday I overslept so I didnt get to go to church so I went and visited my grandma.

(This is a pic of her from Thanksgiving)
On Saturday my grandma turned 72 yrs old.
When I was there my grandma gave me this necklace that she bought me so I could have something from her that I can pass down to Morgan.
So pretty.

Its been a pretty typical week at work. Its only Wednesday and I am already mentally and physically exhausted. I wish there were more good days than bad days of work. As a friend of mine says sometimes you just gotta grin and bear it, but sometimes its hard when you work with the people I do. I can handle just about anything but being cussed at. I wish people could just hear how they sound when they talk like they do. I know everyone has problems but work is not the place to take it out on everyone. It really puts everyone in a bad mood.

Enough about that. Ive vented enough. Last night was the talent show at the school. It was $5 to get in and they had a cake/pie auction and served hamburgers and hotdogs. It seemed like it was a great success. The kids and the staff did really awesome!

There was a lot of great talent! Morgan sang Impossible.
Here is a video

This weekend is Mothers Day.  My mom will be in New York so I guess its just me and Morgan. We are going to do a girls day out or something after church. Not sure yet what we are going to do but Ill figure out something before then. Sure wish the rest of my kids were here so we could all spend the day together..  :0(  Maybe next year.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mrs. Judy, and yes, God has shown me that in so many ways! Love you too! Also I enjoy reading yours and Kellys blogs too. I really need to start blogging again...just seems like ive been so busy lately
